Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rodcast 36: Clay

Daniel 2. Not much reading this week. Also, a few bits of preparation for Christmas and also a discussion of the best church time and schedule. You may have noticed there was less throat-clearing. That's because Rhett was gone.

Download here.

Hey! Your homework for this week: send in your favorite Christmas movies and your personal Festivus airing of grievances and also what you're getting and giving for Christmas.


  1. So I thought the whole standing for the “girls” thing was meant to be demeaning under the guise of chivalry. I thought they were drawing attention to the fact that the women who walked in were late for Ward Council. I only noticed it in Ward Council. Either way, it smelled of insincerity.

    Jon: it’s called an eighth note. Don’t worry, they’re normal.

    My ward is moving to 1 PM. I’m so excited, not because 1 PM is ideal, but because 9 AM is the worst. I liked 10:50. But 1 PM is going to be great because I won’t have to fret on Saturday night thinking “Oh man, I have to stay up and prepare that lesson because I teach at 9 AM.” Now I can just do it in the morning. I do feel like having church in the middle of the day helps me keep it holier, i.e. I feel I have more Sunday when the morning is relaxing. I can sleep in, I actually having time to eat something, go to church, and when church is over I know when I get home it’s time for dinner. Watch a movie later, or whatever. That’s a good Sunday.

    I have Sacrament Meeting last. I think the only reason is to stagger classrooms. But only two wards meet in my building. I don’t love it, but the positive is that everyone is on time for Sacrament Meeting. And another positive is if I have somewhere to be later in the day, I can come to your ward at 9 AM :)

  2. "Feet of clay" indicates mortality...it's kind of like the idea of an Achilles' heel. Imperfection...flawedness...in other words.

    I agree with Jon about Mormons being "defensive" about Daniel's interpretation of Nebuchandnezzar's dream. I can tell you, growing up Catholic, a lot of things LDS take literally in the Bible (like this Daniel story) were/are taken figuratively by other denominations. There have been certain things that have been a stretch for me to believe/accept because I was raised thinking differently about them...but...yeah.

    Purim is when Esther's story is told. Not Hanukkah, Peter. That's the Maccabees and the oil to light the temple lamp.

    The ward I've been attending for almost 2 years now meets 1-4, sacrament meeting last. I didn't think I would like it all that much when I started...especially the late sacrament meeting bit...but it's been really good. Everyone is to sacrament meeting on time (like Laura mentioned), you can go home and have dinner, and Fast Sundays aren't hard to tolerate because you can always sleep in and avoid the hunger pangs (sorry, Peter, that I took the perspective you apparently dislike on this point). Also, sacrament meeting feels less anti-climactic when it's last. It's like you other two meetings are building up to it. I'm a fan now, which I wasn't expecting to be.

    My roommate goes to your ward because of the early meeting time. She likes having the whole afternoon open to her, and that's cool.

    I really enjoyed the 10:50-1:50 block, though. That's the one I voted for in the poll. A happy medium between 9-12 and 1-4.

    I didn't know Pres. Dunn listens to the Rodcast. Rock on.

    Jon already has my blog about "It's a Wonderful Life", so my work with that is done.

    "Christmas is LDS." HA!

