Jacob, Enos, Jarom, Omni, Amaron, Chemish, Abinadom and Amaliki. Lots of dudes, but not much writing. Wanna know why? Too much cussing. Mormon had to take all the swears out.
Matt went missing this week, but Stephanie gladly substituted for our annual chat about annual conference (not to be confused with the semi-annual one). What was your favorite talk? Least favorite?
Also, Stephanie filled in as a wonderful Lent expert (Hello Tucano's AND Five Guys late Friday night!).
Potential Topics (strikethroughs have been brushed on already)
what temple stuff we should talk about
hymns that don't rhyme proper method for passing the sacrament
church attendance Book of Mormon geography amount of meat we should consume why Mormons tend to be Republicans proper church attire EFY
questioning our leaders
paying money for scripture apps responsibility of LDS artists Mormon movies proper method for passing rolls R-rated movies (115)
the Sunday three block schedule
ward choir home teaching
examples of when the scriptures are wrong role of women
phones in sacrament meeting. first day on the mission people we don't want in the Celestial Kingdom(93) caffeine crazy pulpit stories humility fasting favorite Book of Mormon characters
Mormon urban myths Halloween Christmas movies airing of grievances Battlestar Galactica Fast and testimony jokes
rapture -- what's happening? lava-lavas and kilts vacation on Sundays loud laughter
sex seer stones limbo (121) great and spacious building activities(120) outer darkness (112) depression (119) demonic possession(124) life on other worlds (123)
new LDS scriptures
OSC gay stuff
definition of seeking good things
Dungeons & Dragons
Ward conference