Just in time for the Super Bowl.
Apologies in advance if you hate long things, but I think this one had even funner conversations than usual. The miracle of Skype allowed a better connection with Rhett and the bulk of discussion centered around some of the really far out Sunday school stuff from the Pre-mortal life, Creation and Fall. The result is a merry Mexican standoff of circular logic, disagreements and switched loyalties.
Quick note from Jon: While we were talking about lesson 2, I mentioned that we'd speak more of foreordination "two lessons from now." I meant to ask if Adam and Eve were foreordained to transgress, but I think I neglected to. Does this idea lend credence to what Rhett joked about in Judas being foreordained to betray Christ?
Here is that
link from By Common Consent going of the Sunday school lesson on The Fall.
Here is the
link about tithing that Rhett was talking about.
Click this
link to find out what kind of Mormon you are (I got "Idaho Mormon" so it's probably not the most accurate quiz).
0:00 -- Audio explanation
1:17 -- Minutes
2:25 -- Rhett's take on legal marriage stuff
5:22 -- Rhett's card (2/6)
12:43 -- Sunday school (Lesson 1: "This Is My Work and My Glory," Lesson 2: "Thou Wast Chosen Before Thou Wast Born," Lesson 3: The Creation, Lesson 4: "Because of My Transgression My Eyes Are Opened")
64:27 -- Tools and annotations
70:17 -- New new temple videos, etc.
73:31 -- Rhett's good report on his and the wife's talk
77:13 -- Rhett's controversial stance on tithing
84:38 -- Polls
92:43 -- The decision to not do second topic this time around
92:50 -- Rhett's 49ers story
100:10 -- Listener comments
Next Rodcast: Food storage (maybe)!