I also used a bit from the Victor Ludlow book in my lesson on Sunday, so I guess great minds think alike, Peter. Mine was about the meaning of Isaiah 54:1, though...but anyway.
I also agree with the bit about making announcements after the prayer and not before. It does destroy the Spirit in the moment. A bishopric member should know that, of all people.
If Rhett doesn't like the term "hiding", how about the term "treading water"? They're not progressing, they're not fixing their problems, they're just easing their guilty minds about needing to go to church on Sunday. They're going around and around in circles, spiritually. It's stupid. The fact that it's a great social scene is a total bonus to them. "What? I don't have to have any responsibility in or to the Church AND I get to find people to date all the time? Awesome!" My answer: come back when you're ready to face up to your problems...when you're ready to talk to the bishop and get back where you need to be. There is no limbo in true religion -- you're either moving forward or moving backward. (Yes, I lack compassion...I am no Bishop Pohlman)
I think part of the reason the lady talked about intimacy with her husband were for much the reasons Peter mentioned...the impression that good sex only happens for a few years after marriage. She wanted to dispel that misconception, and so used her own marriage to do so, so as to make it more believable and less "research tells us...".
I would agree that folks our age have better Halloween memories than kids do today. That's probably part of the reason why Halloween doesn't interest me much anymore...it was fun when I was younger & I have enough good memories of it not to necessitate my continuing to dress up, go to parties, etc. as a lot of young adults seem to do here in Utah.
Is "Hocus Pocus" the one with the witch riding the vacuum cleaner?
Potential Topics (strikethroughs have been brushed on already)
what temple stuff we should talk about
hymns that don't rhyme proper method for passing the sacrament
church attendance Book of Mormon geography amount of meat we should consume why Mormons tend to be Republicans proper church attire EFY
questioning our leaders
paying money for scripture apps responsibility of LDS artists Mormon movies proper method for passing rolls R-rated movies (115)
the Sunday three block schedule
ward choir home teaching
examples of when the scriptures are wrong role of women
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Mormon urban myths Halloween Christmas movies airing of grievances Battlestar Galactica Fast and testimony jokes
rapture -- what's happening? lava-lavas and kilts vacation on Sundays loud laughter
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new LDS scriptures
OSC gay stuff
definition of seeking good things
Dungeons & Dragons
Ward conference
Explanative: no
ReplyDeleteExplanatory: yes
I also used a bit from the Victor Ludlow book in my lesson on Sunday, so I guess great minds think alike, Peter. Mine was about the meaning of Isaiah 54:1, though...but anyway.
I also agree with the bit about making announcements after the prayer and not before. It does destroy the Spirit in the moment. A bishopric member should know that, of all people.
If Rhett doesn't like the term "hiding", how about the term "treading water"? They're not progressing, they're not fixing their problems, they're just easing their guilty minds about needing to go to church on Sunday. They're going around and around in circles, spiritually. It's stupid. The fact that it's a great social scene is a total bonus to them. "What? I don't have to have any responsibility in or to the Church AND I get to find people to date all the time? Awesome!" My answer: come back when you're ready to face up to your problems...when you're ready to talk to the bishop and get back where you need to be. There is no limbo in true religion -- you're either moving forward or moving backward. (Yes, I lack compassion...I am no Bishop Pohlman)
I think part of the reason the lady talked about intimacy with her husband were for much the reasons Peter mentioned...the impression that good sex only happens for a few years after marriage. She wanted to dispel that misconception, and so used her own marriage to do so, so as to make it more believable and less "research tells us...".
I would agree that folks our age have better Halloween memories than kids do today. That's probably part of the reason why Halloween doesn't interest me much anymore...it was fun when I was younger & I have enough good memories of it not to necessitate my continuing to dress up, go to parties, etc. as a lot of young adults seem to do here in Utah.
Is "Hocus Pocus" the one with the witch riding the vacuum cleaner?