Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rodcast 40: Word

Begin again! Let's see if this New Testament thing catches on. Here's that sheet thing we were looking at (click to embiggen):

Download here!


  1. I listened to most of this. I usually listen at work so sometimes I'm in and out.

    I really only have one thing to say and that is I wish you would invite me over on a Tuesday for pizza. If you do I might bring dessert.

  2. Laura, you are cordially invited to Tuesday Night Pizza at the Nash Estate. There is not set time, But feel free to come by whenever you want.

  3. I love the garlic sauce and pepperoncinis from Papa John's. One of their main selling points to me.

    When I lived back east, I pronounced Tooele "Too-ell". The "uh" came later.

    Why did you spend so long on Trivial Pursuit questions? I love the game as much as anyone, but it really wasn't in keeping with the Rodcast style.

    I taught this past Sunday too, and it's interesting to compare the tack I took with the lesson to the tack Peter took (as it always is when Peter and I teach the same week and I get to hear about his lesson). I focused on how Christ quoted the Isaiah 61 passage at the beginning of the lesson when he went to Nazareth and read in the temple and announced himself as, well, the Savior. Christ did not read the passage verbatim...he added "to give sight to the blind" when he read in the synagogue that day. Giving sight to the blind was the most common miracle Christ performed in his earthly ministry...and we talked about how he continues to give spiritual sight to the blind in our generation. The adversary seeks to blind us...Christ seeks to give us sight. When we have that sight, we are responsible to help others have that sight too, and I said that my hope for the year was that the class members would be empowered in their testimonies of Christ such that they can be a light to others.

    As far as I know, bishops have the responsibility to interview children with diminished mental status to determine whether they need baptism or not. One of my favorite books, Gethsemane by Andrew Skinner, is bookended by a story involving such an interview.

    The only ordinance on this earth that can be done for those who died before age 8 is sealing to parents, so their suggested ability to choose to accept ordinances done for them here is limited to that one. That philosophy does not hold up under the rules of temple name submission and ordinance performance (let alone what is said in Alma, which Jon mentioned). There is no damnation for them...it just has to be accepted that they are saved, whether it is "deserved" or not. We have to let the Atonement extend to them, regardless of our feelings about that doctrine.

    One of the speakers or prayer-givers or someone in my ward's sacrament meeting last Sunday used "Ah-men" and it made me think of you guys.

    I want to come to pizza night with Laura, btw. We need to set that up.

