Your seminary teacher probably skipped Hosea when he taught your Old Testament class. Good reason too. God telling a guy to go shack up with a prostitute may be taken the wrong way by impressionable youths. I think we agreed that you're not actually supposed to do that. And ladies, don't become a hooker in hopes of marrying a prophet of God. The story of Hosea is probably more of an exception than a rule -- although it is the basis for the film Pretty Woman (as is my understanding anyway).
Whoring it up may be a sensitive topic, but it didn't stop us from having two girls join us. Welcome aboard Alexis and Mandi!
Our secondary this week was the incendiary topic of caffeine. We drink more than we should (and eat apparently -- there really is lots of caffeine in chocolate. No lie).
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010
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I'd try your no caffeine challenge but I had a Dr. Pepper yesterday for the first time in about a month. Dr. Pepper is good. And yes, Mr. Pibb is better.
ReplyDeleteI've never drunk caffeinated beverages BECAUSE of their caffeine. I drink something if it tastes good. Never thought about drinking caffeine to get rid of a headache. Maybe I'll try Dr. Pepper instead of Advil. An addiction to caffeine might be good for me. I am WAY too independent.
P.S. Custard? good. Meat? good. Raisins and coconut? Goooood.
ReplyDeleteThe amount of caffeine in chocolate is negligible, while apparently the amount of Theobromine is not. Poe-tay-toe, puh-tah-toe?
There's two new Hawai'ian girls in my ward and that's the first thing they say whenever they get up to give a talk or bear their testimony or whatever. It's awesome...especially because the ward people knew how to respond even without being prompted.
ReplyDeleteAnd, FYI, the temple last Tuesday night was excellent (since that was my goal pertaining to last week's podcast discussion of being slower to anger). It was bizarre...almost like I was unable to get worked up when they screwed up during the session. The Lord kept that switch in the "off" position, I swear. Thanks for the suggestion, Rhett. I prayed for help and it came.
Brats + maple bars = BARF. Not only no but hell no.
I think I missed the podcast about Rhett being involved with the Candwich guy. Thirty second recap next time please?
I can see the Lord telling Hosea to marry a whore because that's basically what he's done in being involved with us. We're not faithful to Him while He's totally faithful to us. I taught this as a living metaphor...a similitude of the Lord's relationship with ancient and modern Israel. Hosea is a book of multiple metaphors for the Lord's relationship with His people, and this is the first of them.
A good chunk of the quote Rhett mentioned from Pres. Eyring is in the teacher's manual for this lesson...I shared it during class.
The thing about the children's names has to do with the Lord's accusations of infidelity against Israel...the names are symbolic, and the accusations are answered in Hosea 2:23...His promise to forgive/fix the problems indicated by the children's names. Remember...multiple metaphors...
When I joined the Church, I felt like I had to give up SOMETHING, since there was no alcohol or tobacco or whatnot in my life, so I gave up Dr. Pepper. For a few months, anyway. I have a few every month used to be a few every DAY, but I've broken myself of that habit. More Church members need to join me...especially the Diet Coke cabal (thank you, Alexis).
Do nonmembers know enough about Mormons to know there's a controversy as to whether or not we can/should consume caffeine? I vote no, or if they do, it's subordinate to polygamy, Republicanism, etc. Maybe I'm thinking of nonmembers outside Utah...nonmembers here might well know about it.
And Jon, if there's no Dr. Pepper in the celestial kingdom, I don't wanna be there.
Raisins = gross. Coconut = yums.
I get bad migraines and in when I feel one coming on, I can nip it in the bud by taking an Excedrine Migraine pill - which is loaded with caffeine. That is taking a drug for a good reason right? Drugs are okay to take for the right reason - Like if you get a broken nose, they will use cocaine to help in numbing it (so I hear). So that's cool right? And a pain killer is good to take after having a baby - but not good to take just for fun.
ReplyDeleteIf I had epilepsy or glaucoma I would take marijuana and I would feel temple worthy taking it. Just the same as any med, I would however feel bad if I was just taking it to get stoned.
And I tend to drink a Coke now and then (you couldn't pay me to drink a Dr Pepper or a Diet Coke) because I am thirsty and it tastes good. But I try not to drink a coke just for the benefit of staying up. If you need to stay up for something (like say you are driving late at night and don't want to fall asleep on the road) is taking a drug (Coke/Mtn Dew) for that wrong?
I dunno.
I do believe if you are addicted to it, it is wrong.
We had Iron Brew in South Africa as well - it's vile.
Also I agree with Alexis, I think we are mixed up when we look scornfully at someone drinking an iced tea, but feel like we're okay for drinking a Coke or an Energy drink.
I'm confused about Rhett's reasoning for rooting for BYU. Because the Church owns BYU, we as members should feel obligated to root for the Cougars. But because some of the current Apostles (including the current Prophet) enrolled at the University of Utah, we should root for them to die?
ReplyDeleteCurtis, that is correct. For some reason Utah Mormons are the only Mormons who don't feel some affiliation to BYU because of their religion. Which I don't understand. Outside of the state, most Mormons feel some affiliation for BYU. Just not here. I think it's partially "anti-establishment" and partially college family tradition. Which is fine. But I would think if you belong to a church and you your church had a hight powered school, wouldn't you be affiliated with that school?
ReplyDeletealso, let me clear this up: i look scornfully at someone who drinks iced tea, energy drinks AND diet coke.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to disagree with you Rhett. Most Mormons who live outside of Utah don't care about BYU football. Many of them went to school somewhere else or simply aren't interested in football.
ReplyDeleteAnd I still don't understand how this makes it ok to root for U grads in the Quorum of the 12 to die.
Rhett...having spent a good part of the first five years of my membership in the Church outside of Utah (Pennsylvania), I can tell you it is pretty black and white elsewhere...the BYU lovers are intense, but the haters are just as much so or more. There was a big thing at Penn State about BYU taking away good, strong young members of the Church who could have and probably should have stayed in-state and strengthened the Church closer to home.
ReplyDeleteInteresting about Penn. I just remember growing up in the Ogden area (which might as well be out of state) and no one cared about the U. At all. If they were Mormon they cared about the Y because it is supported by the Church. Even if they were bandwagon jumpers or whatever.
ReplyDeleteAnd then I remember during my undergrad at BYU that my fellow students told me that back home (cali, texas, back east, etc) that their fellow Latter-day Saints were either Y fans or had a dual fanship, the Y and whatever local team they were from. My observations are obviously biased because I've never lived out the state.
It is interesting to think that out of state Mormons would be mad if the Y recruited away athletes from their local Alma Mater. Thats weird to me.
I'm curious about other religious schools. Don't the majority of good Catholics have some devotion to Notre Dame?