Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rodcast 83: Divine Beloved Eagle

Art by Matt Page

Matt Page joined us for a wonderful discussion.

First of all, we talked about some of Matt's visual contributions to a couple of (awesome sounding) Mormony anthologies. Click on them to buy them!

Monsters and Mormons (that's the fiction collection)

Between Pulpit and Pew (the one with Mormon folklore (so lots of it might be true!))

ALSO! We talked about the beginning of the Book of Revelation (the boring part without the harlots and dragons and destruction and stuff)!

ALSO! We had another ignorant conversation about what to think about during the sacrament. This one was action packed!

Download here!

Next week! When are we supposed to say opening prayers?


  1. Speaking of aliens and Mormons, a friend of mine shared this on Facebook today...


    I think two weeks' lead time is the best amount of time to give a person before the date the bishopric wants a person to speak. Bless you for dealing with it on a day when you're already teaching and doing the HT thing.

    Have you seen "The Forgotten Carols"? The John discussion made me think about it...

    John's symbol among the gospel writers is the eagle. That's why they would call him 'the Eagle of Patmos'. Matthew's is a winged man or angel, Mark's is a winged lion, Luke's is a winged ox or bull, John's is an eagle.

    The 'multicultural' comment was about the halfway point...25 minutes or so in?

    I kind of agree with Jon on the tree of life question. All of them are sources of eternal life...some more advanced than others. The Genesis one is eternal existence, not 'the kind of life God lives'. The BoM one and probably the Revelation one are higher and holier...kind of in contrast to the one in Genesis. Maybe there's some evolution involved from Genesis to Revelation to the BoM...over time between the composition of the texts. Maybe.

    "Sorry Jesus, but thanks for everything" was also good. About 42 minutes in, maybe?

    P.S. Who's Legend? Matt's kid?

    Manti is the BEST temple. The BEST. The workers, the sweet awesome interior and the murals and everything. My favorite.

    And I enjoyed the discussion of snorting cocaine.

  2. I second that youtube clip! (might also be appropriate for Star Trek podcasts)

    I guess it's just my ward that hates Popcorn Popping.

    I'm also for Jon's view of the Tree of Life.

    I'm also disappointed that on Christmas day we only have one hour of church. (Of all days we might need a spiritual moment)

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is easily distracted during the sacrament. I don't usually put my head down but I have to make an effort to focus my thoughts on holy things.

    It sounds like popcorn popping is a lost cause. If polygamists are doing it we'll just have to pretend we've never heard of it.

    Like Matt, I'd love to be on when you cover evolution if you'll have me. Next week is finals but between the end of next week and January 9th (start of spring semester) my schedule should upen up a bit more. Jon can get my number from facebook or Pete can send me an email.

    I also enjoyed the "Crack Chat" segment at the end of the podcast. How did that even come up?
